Chetan Vegad

About Me

Hello! I am Chetan Vegad, a passionate web developer with a keen interest in computer graphics. I love to design and build interactive websites that deliver a great user experience. My journey in the world of coding began with solving algorithmic problems on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank. I am always eager to learn and explore new technologies to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in web development.


Cryptocurrency App

This app Updates you about the current price of various cryptocurrencies around the world in a single click.I made this using React, API, Bootstrap.

Dice Game

Simple but interactive Game made with HTML,CSS and JAVA SCRIPT. Two players can play with each other and whoever comes out with greater number wins the game.

CG Artwork

This is my Computer Graphics Artwork. I created various 3D images and video Animation using Blender.

Technology Review Website

This is a website for technology review and ratings. The Theme might get your attention.


This is a Tic-Tac-Toe game made from html,CSS and JavaScript. Enjoy playing.


Calculator made with HTML, CSS & JS
